River City Athletics is a not-for-profit youth soccer organization.  In January, 2017 Fields4Kids joined our community driven organization and is our home training facility.  River City Athletics/Fields4Kids is run by a dedicated volunteer-based board of directors. 

The River City Athletics youth soccer program begins in November with a 14 week winter training session followed by a Spring Premier program for players U10 – U19.  To learn more about River City, email rivercitymaine@gmail.com, or visit Facebook.

River City has some great options to meet your soccer needs.  Please use the information below to register for winter training and learn about our spring team options.  Players are asked to pay for winter training using the online form or by mailing a check payable to River City Athletics to:

River City Athletics

129 Farm Road

Bangor, ME  04401

River City Winter Training and Spring Season Options

River City winter training begins the second week of November after our spring team evaluation week.  Trainings are offered twice per week per age group for 1.5 hours until February Break.  This is a 14 week program.  Cost for one day of winter training is $375.00.  Add a second day of training for a discounted price of $100.00 (1 day training is $375 + $100 = $475)  which provides players another opportunity to get more training in week to week.  Players that select one day training can pick which session to attend weekly.  Players that select both days attend both days.

Drop ins are welcome at $30.00 per session.  Pick the session that work for your schedule (even if an age group up or down)

Payments accepted at the facility – Venmo (@f4k-rca), Cash App ($fields4kids), cash, credit/debit card or check.

Visit www.rivercitymaine.com or like our facebook page (www.facebook.com/rivercitymaine) for weekly updates and news.

Spring Season

Players selected from our spring team evaluations or from our winter training play in MPSL or Pine Tree league in the spring starting the week after February Break and end with a Father’s Day Weekend event.  What is included in the spring fee of $625.00 –  2025 club Fees   Any additional tournaments that teams decide to attend are an out of pocket expense and divided by players attending the event.

Starting the week after February Break, we will begin our spring team trainings with their coaches.  Expect 1-2 days of training per week.  Once we are able to get outside, teams will train twice per week and the work begins for our Maine State Premier League Teams and the Pine Tree League with games starting (weather depending) as early as March 31, 2024.  The league fee is $625.00 per player and again we have a family discount of 10% for each additional child after the first player.

Players selected to a Spring team will be asked to complete an online registration through Gotsoccer to register for the spring season and make payment.  Players not selected for a team or if a player cannot commit to the team but wants to train with the team can attend all training sessions for a rate of $425.00.  These players will be eligible for a game roster if a roster spot opens up on a week to week basis.

How Do I get on a team if I do not register for Winter Trainings?
Players who want to play in the spring are invited to attend our Evaluation Week in November at Fields4Kids or attend 2 winter sessions of their choice in their respective age groups so that they can be evaluated.

1 Day Winter Training Only – $375.00

2 Day Winter Training Only – $475.00

Spring Only – $625.00

Spring Training Fee – $425.00

Winter Training Registration

All players MUST BE registered through gotsoccer (link will be emailed to all players selected for Spring teams) by February 1st.  No players can be added to spring teams after this date.

U12 – U19 Boys and Girls teams can play in Maine State Premier League

League play begins in late March

U9, 10 and 11 Boys and Girls teams can play in Pine Tree League

League play begins late April 

About Us

Our Mission:  River City was established to meet the needs of the youth sports community of Eastern, Central and Northern Maine.   The goal is to provide affordable option for all families and athletes to develop their skills and ability while keeping the passion for the sport they love. We want to do this in a safe, and friendly environment with a highly trained staff committed to all players of all skill levels. We will provide teams to compete in leagues and tournaments against competitive teams of similar skill level within the state of Maine. The focus will be on skill and growth first, with competition secondary. We want to win if at all possible, not at all costs.

River City was formed when players and parents asked for another premier soccer option in the Greater Bangor Area. In the Spring of 2014, one local coach offered training sessions on his own and had a team play in the SoccerMaine Pine Tree League and another team played in the Maine State Premiere League and the State Cup, which showed there were more players in the greater Bangor area interested in competing at the highest level of soccer in Maine than were being served. Because of this growing interest, a few of us met in June of 2014 to discuss what spring soccer in our area could look like based on the feedback we received from these most recent spring programs. What was born from that meeting is River City, the new competitive home for spring soccer in the Penobscot River Valley.

The logo for River City is a visual representation of the way we hope young soccer players will come together in our club. The four white stars represent each of the four area fall travel clubs we plan to incorporate into River City: Bangor, Brewer, Bronco, and Old Town Black Bear Alliance. The blue flowing through the middle represents the Penobscot River, and while we expect the majority of our players to come from the four area clubs, we plan to serve all athletes from Katahdin to the Atlantic Ocean. The white across the middle bands us all together in our endeavor to put forth the best, most competitive spring teams possible.
The goal of River City is to be an inclusive club, one which offers a home for players of all skill levels and interests to develop their ability while keeping their passion for the sport they love. We offer extended winter and spring training programs for the player who wants to flourish and grow year round, but we also have less time-intensive programs available for the athlete who plays multiple sports, or takes part in other after school activities so they can continue to keep a sharp edge on their soccer talents while pursing their other interests.
Ultimately we want the players to improve and to be competitive. We want our teams to win and be successful. But most importantly we want River City to be a place where athletes can work on their game, continue with their passion for soccer, and learn those life long lessons of team work and effort that involvement in competitive sports can offer.